menyeret masuk secara paksa bahasa Inggris
- menyeret: drag; dragged; dragging; hale; haul; lug; lugged;
- menyeret masuk: draw in; drawing in; drawn in; drew in
- masuk: come in; coming in; draw to a head; drawing to a
- masuk secara paksa: broke in; broken in
- secara: -ly; -wise; by; wise; in a way; precisely;
- secara paksa: forcible; telling
- paksa: ram; insist; shove; constraint; impatient; force;
- masuk dg paksa: entrench
- mengusir . secara paksa: gave the bum's rush; give the bum's rush; given the bum's rush; giving the bum's rush
- menyeret: drag; dragged; dragging; hale; haul; lug; lugged; lugging; tow; towed; towing; trail; train; force; hang back; drop back; sweep; tangle; guide; shuffle; puff; drag in; drop behind; lead; direct; emb
- masuk secara diam-diam: stealing into
- secara masuk akal: conceivably; lucidly; plausibly; appreciably; credibly; possibly
- secara masuk akal/jujur: believably; credibly; credulously
- paksa: ram; insist; shove; constraint; impatient; force; argue; press; aggressive; crowd; forced; push; drive; influence; compel; coerce; squeeze; tense; pressure; determined; make do; hale; cause; violenc
- menyeret kaki: shuffle